Home, 2024

A continuation of internal processing of my day-to-day post top surgery, manifesting into the external.

Closest Voice of Reasoning, 2022

Closest Voice of Reasoning consists of voicemails from my biological Father. We were not in contact often, and our first encounter was in 2016. His desire to connect and share his love with me is what I hold on to. This ride is a visual journey of the love of a father who let go of his child at 3, reconnected at 27, parted at 32, and through it all held on to love.


This 5:25 short explores the interpersonal processing that occurs usually alone. The act of self-surveillance has allowed me to reflect on and embrace aspects of my identity I’ve been hesitant to acknowledge. Curiosity has steered this process and for that, I honor what has been discovered. These recordings are a form of liberation for Trina.

Reclaiming Performace, 2021

The art of posting flyers of local events near freeways, bus stops, bus benches, and abandoned buildings, is another act of call & response. The call being the ask and the response being the witness. The process of distributing programming in this way was intentional to pay homage to street organizations that work to promote their events. Locally ran, word of mouth: “ I saw the flyer on Santa Monica & Vermont and was like ‘I should go to that’”.

Reverence of Self, 2021

This film will serve as a visual & auditory reclamation of trans masculine existence through performance. In this, there is a reclaiming of narrative & archival stories as it relates to one's aspect of Black Trans Masculinity. It is a call to witness black queer artistry as a form of resistance against western cultural binaries.

This film is the inspiration & foundation for the Spring 2022 exhibition, “Reclaiming Performance: A Revolutionary Act” which took place with the support of LACE and the Emerging Curators Program.

Full Press Release here


“I’ll Finish When I Can” is an honest discovery of self. The discovery of my adoption at the age of 24 has shifted everything I know, have known, and will come to understand about myself in time. In archiving this moment, a collection of digital collaging, audio/video recordings, paintings, sketches, and explorative writing emerged. All in a process lending its hands toward my resilience and healing. "I'll Finish When I Can" archives my process of self-discovery with collages created in reflection on past family conversations, painting and sketches that landscape my emotional sentiments, and images that are a symbolic call & response to my childhood experiences.


Digital Work & Photography